PhotoTek of Lake Charles
PhotoTek of Lake Charles

Photo Restoration

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Your treasured photos are expertly restored by our skilled artists, and your satisfaction is guaranteed 

Expert Photo Restoration

Your treasured photos are expertly restored by our skilled artists, and your satisfaction is guaranteed. Work is never done on your original photograph. We scan your original and create a digital file that is used by our artists to re-create the photo to your specifications. Once the work is complete, a new digital file is created and your new prints made.


In addition to repairing cracks, tears, spots and other physical damage, we can add color, correct color, add or remove elements / people, etc. We can also retouch to correct things such as eye glass glare, acne and other blemishes, remove braces, and smooth out wrinkles. Almost anything is possible with our talented graphic artists and today's technology.


The completed work can be archived on a CD so that additional prints can be made in the future, without having to go through the restoration process (and expense) once again. The CD becomes your "negative" for future printing. In addition, we can make as many copies as you like to share with friends and family.


Bring your photos in, or email them, and we will show you samples of our work and provide an estimate for your photos. Most jobs are complete within a week.

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